More and more, medical professionals and the general population are beginning to understand the lasting impact and health dangers of heavy metals in our dental fixtures, vaccinations, and now our everyday food items. Low-level exposure looks a lot like autoimmune problems, attention issues or neurological disease.

What’s in that bowl of cereal anyway?

Let’s take a look:

Lead – This metal has been discovered in some baby foods and juices. This is scary, given that nervous system damage resulting in muscular and neurological problems can develop. Fatigue, attention deficit, irritability, headache, weight loss, stomach problems, low libido and high blood pressure are symptoms.

Arsenic – Symptoms of arsenic poisoning included darkened or discolored skin, bumps, white lines in the fingernails, and peripheral neuropathy. Mental fog or change in mental status may occur as well.

Cadmium –Cadmium is found in cigarettes and some fertilizer. It can elevate blood pressure, cause emphysema, reduce your sense of smell, and trigger fatigue, osteoporosis, or anemia.

Mercury – Permanently damaging, mercury is found in seafood like sea bass, swordfish, and tuna. Mercury poisoning often results in mood swings, memory loss, heart arrhythmias, weakness, skin rashes, psychiatric illness and dozens of muscular or neurological symptoms. Problems may become disabling if mercury poisoning is not caught early.

Heavy metal exposure is frightening because we are now exposed to these compounds constantly. Heavy metals exist in our medication, water, household cleansers, fertilizers, food — even that morning cereal!

How many of us have fed our children cereal daily, unknowingly infusing their little bodies with heavy metals from a young age?

When tested, cereals were discovered to contain various levels of contamination. “Honey Bunches of Oats” had the lowest level of heavy metals. Many have been evaluated by researcher Mike Adams, founder of the Forensic Food Lab. See how your favorite cereal fared at Parents need to know.

Read the full article here: What’s in Your Morning Bowl of Cereal? | Suzy Cohen, RPh