Is there any question that meditation is good thing?

The American Heart Association stated that research supports that transcendental meditation (TM) lowers blood pressure.

The American Psychological Association concluded that transcendental meditation helps reduce anxiety, negativity, and neuroticism, while increasing memory, self-realization, and comprehension.

Further research reveals that TM significantly lowers insulin resistance, the rate of biological aging, and reduces rates of heart attack, stroke and death.

So, why are some people now questioning whether meditation really matters?

A recent review, published in the JAMA internal medicine specialty journal, introduced the possibility that the benefits of meditation may have been overstated in recent years. The review purported that meditation’s impact on health, physical and mental, were limited.

Despite decades of research to the contrary, this review stated that only certain stress-related ailments were impacted by mindfulness meditation, and that even then, the impact was low to moderate. In, fact the review did little to no research on meditation’s impact on physical issues like blood pressure, keeping its investigation narrowly focused on psychological stress.

The study participants reviewed were only those diagnosed with medical or psychiatric problems, not ordinary stressed or anxious individuals or any children. In other research, these groups have been shown to benefit greatly from meditation.

Such a limited review presents a limited perspective regarding meditation.

In truth, integrative health care uses meditation as well as a host of alternative methods. They have been scientifically shown to benefit both the mind and the body, as they encourage active engagement in one’s health, attitudes, and level of responsibility for one’s own care.

Practices like meditation can assist people by providing a way to alleviate stress, change, and lifestyles, all of which can lead to chronic ailments if not managed well.

More and more health professionals are starting to see the light.

Meditation practitioners report a “deep feeling of peace, connectedness and relief from stress.”

Brain imaging research shows functioning differences between a meditator and a non-meditator. The science is there.

Meditation matters to a healthy body and a balanced mind.

Read the full article here: Does meditation have benefits for mind and body? – Medical News Today