Detoxification Boulder, Co

Are you curious about whether you should detox? Are you wondering if your recent diagnosis has anything to do with toxicity? What does it actually mean when someone says they are doing a detox? There a many different kinds of detoxification and many perspectives on how it is done. Cleansing twice a year by taking things out of your diet (e.g., alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and chemicals) is a great idea and likely good for everyone. But, doing a detox to enhance your health and address a specific condition is very different.

First, it is important to know what you are detoxing from:

  • Heavy metals in your mercury amalgams or from the fish in your sushi?
  • Pesticides that have leaked into your well or are untested in the municipal water system?
  • DDE that was on last week’s red pepper imported to the US from Mexico?  

Some of these chemicals will never leave voluntarily. They need to be coaxed out for excretion and elimination.  

Testing is a good approach to measure what you have been exposed to that your body may be holding onto. Testing for toxins means that you can be targeted in your detox. There are several good tests available to measure what toxins could be lurking in your fat and bones.

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For example, it is important to know that you do not have too much BPA from plastics in your system, but you do have too many parabens from cosmetics or perfumes. Knowing precisely what you are treating is critical to avoid making you any sicker. Detoxing someone who is generally well without knowing what you are trying to detox can actually make them worse.

Not everyone’s detox system works the same or works efficiently. Impaired or imbalanced detoxication increases susceptibility to environmental toxicity, meaning being sensitive to your environment and everything in it.

Most of us are not chronically sick or imbalanced enough to become severely affected by the toxins in our environment, but what we are starting to understand is that:

Cumulative exposure contributes to toxic load and everyone’s tipping point is different.

Low levels of exposures are thought to be more dangerous than we once thought.

The more toxins we are exposed to, the greater our toxic load.

Your body possesses an innate ability to metabolize, detoxify, and excrete the various influences that we come into contact with. Fortunately, it is programmed to do this all without us keeping track of it. The liver manages and metabolizes many of these influences and then sends the end products to the intestines to be eliminated as stool, the kidneys to be eliminated through urine, the skin to be eliminated through sweat, and the lungs to be eliminated through breath.  If any of these routes of elimination are compromised — constipation, inability to sweat, or lung damage from asthma or exposure to cigarette smoke, then the accumulation of toxins will ensue.

Detoxification is the ability to identify what you are wanting to eliminate, targeting a specific approach to that toxin, supporting routes of elimination for that toxin to be eliminated to reduce further exposure to it, and using specific supports to help detoxification (see blog on Can foods help you detox).

Holistica’s practitioners are highly experienced to help you identify what toxins are causing an imbalance in your health through sophisticated testing and can create a detoxification protocol for you that will bring you to greater vitality and reduce future disease risk. If you are curious if toxicity is playing a role in your current health condition, please call 303-449-3777 for an appointment today!



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