Holistica Integrative Care has always held high standards for sanitizing and sterilization of our office.

We always practice universal standard precautions, which aims to prevent the transmission of potentially infectious diseases and will follow the CDC’s and COVID-19 recommendations.

As everyone’s safety is of great concern to us, the following are additional measures we have put into place to protect you as well as our office staff:

  1. Appointments will be scheduled to limit the number of patients in the office to allow for six feet of physical distancing.
  2. Everyone entering our office will be required to wear their own face mask. We will be charging $1 to purchase a face mask provided from HIC.
  3. All patients must hand sanitize prior to entering our office.
  4. A thorough cleaning of all treatment rooms, clinic, and reception area occurred prior to re-opening HIC and will continue after each patient interaction.
  5. Additional sanitizing devices will be used throughout our office including air purifiers.
  6. Temperatures will be taken from everyone (including staff) prior to entering our office. If your temperature exceeds 100.4°F, you cannot enter and will be asked to reschedule your appointment.
  7. Clinic IV chairs and equipment are always thoroughly cleaned after each patient.
  8. All staff will have appropriate PPE equipment including gloves and masks.

If you have any questions or concerns prior to coming to the clinic, please call us, and we can provider further information or assurance about our protocols.