Have you ever wondered whether a certain taste had more nutritional benefits than another? After all, one might make the case the American fondness for sweet tasting food has landed us in the middle of a nationwide obesity problem.
According to Dr. Andrew Weil, bitter tasting food is the food to indulge. Bitter foods have a tendency to moderate hunger and blood sugar. Chocolate and coffee are popular choices. Unfortunately most Americans prefer the highly sweetened varieties.
Beer is also popular and contains a variety of healthy benefits. Still, beer is high in calories and must be consumed in moderation.
Bitter foods are often considered distasteful, as over time people have used bitterness as a marker for foods that are toxic. Actually, many bitter foods, like Brussel sprouts, are rich in nutrients and vitamins. The bitter taste also acts as a natural appetite suppressant, beneficial for those needing help with weight control.
Bitter foods increase the production of bile, which aids digestion. Bile breaks down fat and makes certain vitamins, like A, D, E and K, more available for use in the body.
Interestingly, 25 percent of the population is not able to detect bitter flavors and 25 percent can pick up the slightest hint.
Foods like radicchio, endive, or broccoli rabe can increase the amount of bitter foods you ingest.
Also, try the following options for bitter inclusion in your diet:
• Bitter tonics: Artisan bitters can be bought on the Internet, in an alcohol base. Bitter tonics used in both alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks or included in mouth sprays.
• Bitter melon: Purchased at Asian-themed supermarkets or grown from seed. People who enjoy this fruit regularly in Japan, India, and China enjoy long life and vigorous health.
• Dandelion greens: These greens are extremely healthy and “appealingly bitter”. Similar to kale, they are available in natural foods stores.
Read the full article here: Bet On Bitter?