The human body was designed to store as much fat as possible. In times of feast or famine, this was needed in order to survive. We had to have a reservoir of fat to sustain us when there was little to no food available. Overeating is not just a matter of willpower. Our bodies have evolved over thousands of years to store fat, no matter what it takes to do it — which means overeating.
Until we acknowledge that fact, we are going to keep fighting a losing battle. The food industry does not help at all. They make processed food that is chemically altered to be addictive. They target what our bodies crave the most to store fat, and make it taste good. However, like any addiction, it’s not good for us.
So the solution is simple, right? Just diet, cut out the sugary drinks and the fatty snacks, and life’s good? Wrong. Most diets have you drop your calorie intake to less than what you need to maintain your body at rest. When that happens, your body goes into famine mode and hordes fat. It burns muscle rather than fat. The diet doesn’t work and you go off it, and gain the weight back. But now there’s a problem: Your body burned muscle, so when you gain the weight back you’re gaining more fat, not muscle. You have even more problems than when you started.
There is a way to lose fat and keep it off. Here are a few suggestions:
- Eat whole, real foods.
- Start the day with breakfast.
- Be mindful while you eat.
- Cut alcohol down or out.
- Know what your trigger foods are.
- Keep a journal. Use it to monitor how you’re doing and to deal with your emotions — rather than eating to deal with emotions.
- Get enough sleep, at least eight hours.
- Do the right kind of exercise.
- Control your stress.
- Use the right supplements.
Read the full article here: Why Overeating Doesn’t Make You Fat (And What Does)