When did your insulin resistance begin?
Well, it definitely didn’t happen all of a sudden. If you had a habit of eating a wealth of empty calories, sugars, liquid calories, and carbs like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes, it took a toll on your body’s cells.
As your body required more insulin to keep your blood sugar balanced, your cells began to ignore the constant request for insulin.
As insulin levels rose, your resistance worsened. The impact? Early aging, heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer, and more.
Insulin-resistant people usually manage a host of other, coexisting issues including obesity, cravings, high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, and higher amounts of inflammation. This may be your situation.
The good news is that insulin resistance is reversible, if caught early. Unfortunately, doctors are not employing the testing that reveals high insulin levels.
Anyone over age 50, with family history of type 2 diabetes, experiencing central abdominal weight gain or abnormal cholesterol, and/or living with even a slight risk of insulin resistance, should implore their doctors to test you early, before problems present and chronic disease sets in.
What test? Ask your doctor for a 2-Hour Insulin Glucose Challenge Test.
You will test while fasting. Blood sugar and insulin levels will be checked three times: at the fasting time, an hour later, and then once more an hour after that. High insulin levels mean it’s time to make healthy changes. Start with these:
• Eat whole, fresh, low-glycemic foods for healthy genes, hormones, and metabolism.
• Remove all sweeteners. This includes stevia, aspartame, sucralose, and sugar alcohols like xylitol and malitol, which cause sluggish metabolism, weight gain and insulin resistance.
• Control inflammation and chronic disease by adding wild-caught fish, flax seed, and fish oil to your diet.
• Increase fiber-rich foods to slow sugar absorption into the system.
• Sleep. Quality amounts regulate insulin levels.
• Address nutrient deficiencies to maintain the correct biological balance.
• Exercise correctly. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), or burst training, is the best method for stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels.
• Control stress and cortisol levels. This prevents the accumulation of belly fat.
Read the full article here: The One Test Your Doctor Isn’t Doing That Could Save Your Life – Dr. Mark Hyman