For families trying to have children, every little detail about the science of fertility can be important. Research delves into a wide range of topics on fertility and ways to help couples that are having difficulty getting pregnant. One of the most interesting aspects of fertility is the role that time can play on conception. Especially interesting is the idea that the season might have an impact on the likelihood of a conception.
In a recent write-up in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, there has been some serious investigation into seasonal birth patterns. Autumn in particular is the season associated with having the most births and this could possibly be due to the varying performance of sperm based on the seasons.
Over 6,000 samples from men treated for infertility were measured for sperm count, speed, and abnormalities. Among all the seasons, winter and early spring showed the highest sperm counts and speeds, and the fewest abnormalities. For couples struggling with male-related infertility, this could be an incredibly important finding.
However, another more recent study compared men with normal sperm production to those with abnormal production. Between both groups sperm motility was seasonally variable, but for men with normal sperm count the faster speeds were observed in winter versus the fall for men with lower sperm count.
While these are intriguing findings, this is only the beginning of a new movement into researching these fertility patterns. It may be too early to say fall and winter is the time to conceive, but it is a good note to take into consideration when planning for a family. It may be important to consider the possibility of the effect of the seasons when exploring other fertility interventions or treatments. It can’t hurt to investigate any information that could help conception for a family just looking to bring their own beautiful child into the world.
Read the entire article here: Why Are So Many Babies Born in Fall?
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